on a blue background the school years from p1 to s2 are written in blue text. Above each year is a bronze, silver or gold badge. Above this in blue text is written micro duke, mini duke, junior duke and senior duke.

During the year 2019-2020 Craigdhu Primary trialled the Junior Duke programme. Following the success and popularity of the challenge, we decided to offer it again.

Junior Duke was created by a Glasgow teacher, Dawn Waugh, when she noticed that a number of her pupils were unable to display certain skills essential to daily life. She set about designing a programme of challenges for her class which was met with much enthusiasm. Challenges are based around life skills and are very closely linked with A Curriculum for Excellence subject areas. The programme grew from there and there are now challenge booklets for P1-P7.

P1 – Micro Duke

P2 – Silver MINI Duke

P3 – Gold MINI Duke

P4 – Bronze JUNIOR Duke

P5 – Silver JUNIOR Duke

P6 – Gold JUNIOR Duke

P7 – Platinum JUNIOR Duke

Each booklet has a range of ten challenges. Participants must complete seven of these to achieve the level and be awarded a certificate and badge.

Many schools from the Glasgow area, around the UK and world, have now trialled the programme and report good feedback from children, families and schools. This is an entirely voluntary programme and for those wishing to participate, there is a cost for the parents which covers the booklet, certificate and badges.

We have our own ambassador this year who will support us and present Junior Duke awards to platinum achievers at the end of the year. Kate Strong is an age-group World Triathlon Champion. She is passionate about living life without compromise, channels her energy into being the best she can be and promotes Sustainable Living. She has completed a Climate Cycle in 2023 travelling the length of Britain on her bamboo bike! She offers a Sustainability programme for schools and will introduce it this year to Craigdhu.
Read more about Kate’s achievements here https://katestrong.global/about/