Craigdhu Primary School Parent Council was founded in August 2007.
The council consists of the Head Teacher, eight parents, a teacher representative and a clerk. Local Councillors from Milngavie regularly attend our meetings in order to understand and assist, where possible, with any issues that we face. A constitution is attached which covers the rules and regulations of the Council.
The objectives of all Parent Councils have been shaped by The Education Service’s Parental Involvement Strategy which was published in February 2008. The document sets out how the Education Service intends to meet its various duties under the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006. It strives to ensure meaningful involvement of all parents in the education of their children and in the school community.
The role of a school parent council is to:
- support the school in its work with pupils
- represent the view of all parents (in other words, those of the parent forum)
- encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community
- report back to the parent forum
The parent council act on behalf of the parent forum concerning any school issue whether it be educational, property related, traffic related, health promoting, etc.
Our role is separate from that of the Parent Teacher Association which does a fantastic job of organising fun events for the children and their families. The PTA also play a vital, and effective role, in fundraising for our school.
During the past year our parent council has been considering the ways in which we could best represent the parent forum. We consider it important that we open lines of communication between parents and the parent council, to give parents the opportunity to express their views on all aspects of school life. Where there is an issue that a good number of parents feel strongly about the Parent Council will work with the school to address that issue.
The members of Craigdhu Primary School Parent Council are:
Lesley Davidson – Head Teacher
Susan Ranford - Chairperson
Alison Gibb - Vice Chairperson
Suzannah Roberts
Linda Sands
Jill Ashton
Jim Collinson
Carissa Amash
Teacher representatives:
Helen Crossey
Clerk : vacancy
The Parent Council can be contacted by email : We enjoy serving on the parent council and are always keen to hear the view of parents and carers. Please feel free to approach us at any time if you wish to discuss issues relating to school life. If you would like to become a parent council member, or would just like more information, please contact us via our web address.
Parents are reminded that any issues relating to an individual child would be dealt with directly by
Lesley Davidson, Head Teacher.
- This is the constitution for Craigdhu Primary School Parent Council
- The objectives of the Parent Council are :
- to work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents
- to promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents and the wider community
- to develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils
- to identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters effecting the education and welfare of the pupils
- to promote parental involvement in their children’s education
- The membership will be a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 8 parents/guardians of children attending the school and one member of teaching staff. The quorum at any meeting shall not be less than 3.
The Parent Council will have the right to request individuals such as pupil representatives, teachers, and community representatives to attend the meetings of the Parent Council to give their input to the discussions. The Head Teacher of the school has a right and a duty to attend all meetings.
- On its establishment, any parent/guardian of a child at the school may volunteer to be a member of the Parent Council.
Where there are more nominations than places available, a draw will be held, at which all nominees will be entitled to attend together with a quorum of the Parent Council. The Chair of the Parent Council should conduct the draw. The method of selecting members of the Parent Council may be changed if agreed at the AGM of the Parent Forum.
Thereafter, members of the Parent Council will be selected at the AGM each year and may be reselected. Parents will be selected for a minimum of 2 years and maximum of 5 years, after which they may put themselves forward for reselection if they wish. There will be an opportunity for new members to join at the AGM.
- The Parent Council may co-opt up to 2 additional members to assist it with carrying out its functions. Co-opted members do not require to be parents/guardians of children at the school.
- The Parent Council, members immediately following its formation, will agree the Chair and vice Chair of the Parent Council. Thereafter, office bearers will be selected by the Parent Council on an annual basis at the first meeting after the AGM (and may be reselected). The office bearers must be parents/guardians of children attending the school. If the child ceases to be a pupil of the school, or if the office bearer is for any other reason unable or unwilling to continue in that role, a new office bearer will be agreed at the next meeting.
- The Parent Council is accountable to the Parent Forum for Craigdhu Primary School, ie, all the parents/guardians of children attending school. The Parent Council will make a report to the Parent Forum at least once a year on its activities.
If 15% or more of parents/guardians of children at the school request a special general meeting to discuss issues falling with the Parent Council’s remit, the Parent Council shall arrange this within 3 weeks of receiving the request. The Parent Council shall give all members of the Parent Forum at least one week’s notice of the meeting and, at the same time, circulate notice of the matter, or matters, to be discussed at the meeting.
- The AGM will be held in the fourth term of each session. A notice of meeting, including date, time and place, will be sent to all members of the Parent Forum at least 2 weeks in advance. The meeting will include :
- a report on the work of the Parent Council and its sub-committees
- selection of the new Parent Council
- The Parent Council will meet at least once in every school term. If a vote is necessary to make a decision, each member at the meeting will have one vote, with the Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- Copies of the minutes of the Parent Council will be available to all parents/guardians of children at Craigdhu Primary School and to all staff at the school. Copies will be available from the Clerk to the Parent Council.
- Meetings of the Parent Council shall be open to the public, unless the Parent Council is discussing an issue which it considers should be dealt with on a confidential basis. In such circumstances, only members of the Parent Council and the Head Teacher or their representative may attend.
- The Parent Council will have the authority to establish sub-groups or working parties for a specific purpose. The Parent Council will operate separately from the Parent Teacher Association, which has a distinct remit and constitution and will, where appropriate, co-ordinate activity with that body.
- The Constitution of the Parent Council may be altered by a simple majority of those present and voting at an AGM or special meeting. The proposed alterations must be sent to all members of the Parent Forum at the same time as notice of the AGM or special general meeting is sent.