eco schools logobooks logo

Here at Craigdhu we are passionate about Eco issues and we are so proud to have been awarded 7 flags in recognition of all of our hard work! In order to achieve these flags, we promote Eco and Sustainability throughout our curriculum and visibly during the school day - both inside and outside the building. As participants in the Eco Schools programme, every year (amongst other things) we have to create an action plan as part of the 7 elements.

In the action plan we have to focus on 3 topics.

This year we are focussing on Litter, Biodiversity and Energy. These topics also link with our Rights Respecting Schools promotion. This year we are working hard on Sustainable Development Goal number 12 : Responsible Consumer and Production.

Here are some of the Eco things we do:

  • encourage reusable water bottles to be brought in to reduce disposable plastic water bottle use
  • pupils participating in litter-picking
  • we play responsibly in our woodland and learn about nature
  • we separate our classroom waste and recycle and re-use what we can
  • we have a polytunnel where we grow vegetables and plants
  • we have planted an orchard around the football pitch
  • we are doing a community project with Milngavie in Bloom
  • we have a Parent Eco steering group

More recently we held a competition to design a new Eco mascot. Ri in P5 designed Eco Ella and Bella Bee to remind us to be Eco-friendly.


If you have any ideas for us, please contact Mrs Crossey or Mrs Matthews who will be happy to hear your suggestions!