At Craigdhu Primary we are most fortunate to be able to offer a variety of instrumental instruction to our pupils. These lessons are delivered by qualified instructors employed by East Dunbartonshire Council.

violins violins

Pupils wishing to apply for instrumental tuition will be required to undergo an audition in order to assess suitability. These auditions are carried out, in school, at the beginning of the school year by the relevant instructors who will then notify parents if their child is successful in securing a place. We currently offer instruction in Brass and Cello for pupils in P5 -P7 and Strings (violin and viola) for pupils in P4 - P7 . Throughout the year pupils are invited to participate in EDC Orchestra training courses, and performances; these take place at weekends and during school terms.
The weekly timetable for lessons is as follows:-
Cello instruction - Mrs Dance - Tuesday
Violin/viola instruction - Mrs Bryson - Thursday
Brass Instruction - Mr O'Hagan - Thursday
Please note there is a charge for instrumental instruction levied by East Dunbartonshire Council.